Postdoctoral research experience

Postdoctoral Fellow at Geneva Natural History Museum, Geneva, Switzerland from Mar. 2019 to now. Advisors: N. Alvarez
decliNe project

Postdoctoral Fellow at INRIA Rennes, GenScale team, Rennes, France, from Feb. 2017 to Jul. 2018. Advisors: C. Lemaitre (, M. Elias (
SPECREP ANR project: “Repeatability of the speciation process in butterflies: natural replicates in a suture zone system” with the National Museum of Natural History of Paris (MNHN)


2017: PhD in Evolutionary Biology CNRS, Research Institute on Insect Biology, Tours, France.
Dissertation: “Adaptation genomics of parasitoid wasps from the Cotesia genus”.
Advisors: E. Herniou (, J.-M. Drezen (
ABC-PaPoGen ANR project: “Adaptation in Biological Control: Parasitoid Population Genomic”

2012: MSc in Functional, Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology, University of Rennes1, France.
– INRA, Institute of Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection, Nematode Biology and Genetics
“Effect of breaking plant resistances on populations genetic structure of potato cyst nematode”
– CNRS, MNHN, Department of Ecology and Biodiversity management, EvolTrait Unit
“Assessment of the impact of quarries on landscape connectivity: illustration with two toad species”

2010: BSc in Biology-Biochemistry, Speciality: Biodiversity and Population Biology, University of Orleans, France


Population genomics analyses: SNP calling, selection detection, demographic inference
Genomics analyses: de novo genome assembly, annotation, comparative genomics
Phylogenetics analyses: phylogeny, molecular evolution
Transcriptomics analyses: transcriptome assembly, differential expression analyses
all using computer programming (Bash, Python or R)

Molecular techniques: DNA and RNA extraction pipeline. PCR optimization and primer design. Sample preparation and study design for NGS experiments.

Teaching experience: undergraduate practical in bio-statistics with R (24h), University of Rennes1.
